Virtual Learning is the best solution for learning in Pandemic

Virtual Learning is the best solution for learning in Pandemic

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Pembelajaran Daring Mata Pelajaran Otomatisasi Tata Kelola Sarana dan Prasarana Kelas XII OTKP yang diajarkan oleh Nurhalidah, S.Pd. M.Ikom – Sumber: Nurhalidah, S. Pd. M.Ikom

Tangerang, January 21st, 2022 – Nowadays, Indonesia is being tested with the outbreak of a new virus called COVID-19 in early March 2020. It has been happening about 2 years. This situation is one of the external factors that greatly affects the teaching and learning process in Indonesia. Thus, teachers and students are forced to carry out a distance learning process or virtual learning.

The education system will always coexist and place technological developments to advance the quality of education, so that the use of technology becomes a support in the learning process in the education world. The concepts and mechanisms of teaching and learning that are fundamental to technology are something that is needed today. In educational discourse, the educational outcomes in virtual learning become a question of how the virtual learning process can work well and how the level of practice and conceptualization of teaching is.

Since pandemic COVID 19, SMK Nusantara 1 has conducted student, teacher, and employee attendance, learning process, providing learning materials from teachers, and checking the results of student assignments is carried out by virtual learning. Thus, teachers who teach and students who study must be able to adapt to learning and teaching by virtual learning. Communication that is carried out between teachers and students and is well established will result in great student quality, while the virtual learning process is declared successful because of the maximum interaction between teachers and students through various educational facilities and the existence of a learning process that interacts actively.

According to Nuny Articasari, S.Pd as Mathematics teacher at SMK Nusantara 1, Teaching and Learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic are the biggest challenges in the world of education in Indonesia.

“Speaking of COVID 19. This pandemic period is the biggest challenge for all of us educators. The challenge is how teachers and students respond to the implementation of learning activities, because the learning structure in this pandemic era has changed 180° into IT-based online learning. So it can be said that the role of information technology and telecommunications is certainly very, very important and plays a very important role as a school learning infrastructure.” (Nuny Articasari, S.Pd, SMK Nusantara 1)

Writer: Nurhalidah, S.Pd., M.Ikom

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